Sunday 6 December 2015

TV drama - gender - re write

The scene begins with a flare of back light behind a woman, this creates a silhouette of this unknown woman and creates mystery and possibly danger with the dark shadow which has been created.

Parallel editing is seen from this point on as the woman gets ready in her room with the help of another woman and the two men are travelling in a taxi. These two scenes support the stereotype of how women are seen more mature and glamorous than men as both women in the room are quiet and calm applying makeup and getting ready. The extreme close up, slow motion shot of the woman putting on her red lipstick could suggest that she's dangerous but is hiding this danger with her glamorous style, the slow motion could show her mature and sophisticated attitude which shows she takes pride in her appearance and takes along time to get ready.
 There is a selective focus on the woman as she looks at her self in the mirror with her dress on. This selective focus could show the stereotypically side to how more women are classed as vain than men are. Similarily this shot that shows the woman applying her red lipstick could portray her as a sexual object as the colour red has sexual connotations. The two men in the taxi seem to be rushed and organized, and wear casual black clothes, this relates to how men are the "lazier" sex as there is no effort put into their appearance and they're slouched in a taxi. This is helped to be seen with the slow takes of the two women to show a calm atmosphere and fast takes used to show the two men showing a time of rush. 

The woman's room also supports this mature attitude of the woman as the whole of her room is white, calm and natural. This whole white room could also suggest innocence and purity once again having sexual connotations.
As the boys leave the taxi, they get into a fight which shows this immature side to men and stereotypically makes the other women look more mature.

When the men arrive at the woman's house, the stereotypical idea of how men have more authority and are above women, is juxtaposed as a high camera angle is shown to see how the woman is standing over the man and automatically making her have more power than the man, which is not seen very much. 

When the woman enters the room to meet the men, slow music is played to show her mature, sophisticated personality. The woman is also not wearing any clothes and both men seem to be uncomfortable with this as they seem shocked and don't know where to look as the camera focuses on the mens eyes which are looking around trying not to stare at the woman, this shows the woman to be a temptation and goes along with the idea that she is viewed in a sexual way, as she has the power over the men. Again this is juxtaposed as stereotypically men normally have control over all women yet in this extract it seems to be the other way around. 

Shot reverse shot is seen in this scene as the men and the women have a conversation. Eye line match is used form the women's side as she looks directly into both men's eyes, again another way of showing you have power but the men don't always look back into the woman's eyes, again showing this uncomfortable atmosphere these men have and how at this moment of time they don't have power and control over this woman, which is the opposite to society idea that men are the controlling sex. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015


The scene begins with a flare of back light behind a woman, this creates a silhouette of this unknown woman and creates mystery and possibly danger with the dark shadow which has been created.

Parallel editing is seen from this point on as the woman gets ready in her room with the help of another woman and the two men are traveling in a taxi. These two scenes support the stereotype of how women are seen more mature and glamorous than men as both women in the room are quiet and calm applying makeup and getting ready. The extreme close up, slow motion shot of the woman putting on her red lipstick could suggest that she's dangerous but is hiding this danger with her glamorous style, the slow motion could show her mature and sophisticated attitude which shows she takes pride in her appearance and takes along time to get ready.
 There is a selective focus on the woman as she looks at her self in the mirror with her dress on. This selective focus could show the stereotypically side to how more women are classed as vain than men are. The two men in the taxi seem to be rushed and unorganized, and wear casual black clothes. This is helped to be seen with the slow takes of the two women to show a calm atmosphere and fast takes used to show the two men showing a time of rush. 

The woman's room also supports this mature attitude of the woman as the whole of her room is white, calm and natural. This whole white room could also suggest innocence. 
As the boys leave the taxi, they get into a fight which shows this immature side to men and stereotypically makes the other women look more mature.

When the men arrive at the woman's house, the stereotypical idea of how men have more authority and are above women, is juxtaposed as a high camera angle is shown to see how the woman is standing over the man and automatically making her have more power than the man, which is not seen very much. 

When the woman enters the room to meet the men, slow music is played to show her mature, sophisticated personality. The woman is also not wearing any clothes and both men seem to be uncomfortable with this as they seem shocked and don't know where to look. The fact that the woman is wearing no clothes could show that the woman is proud of the way she looks but also enjoys making men feel uncomfortable around her and overall having control over them. Again this is juxtaposed as stereotypically men normally have control over all women yet in this extract it seems to be the other way around.

Shot reverse shot is seen in this scene as the men and the women have a conversation. Eye line match is used form the women's side as she looks directly into both men's eyes, again another way of showing you have power but the men don't always look back into the woman's eyes, again showing this uncomfortable atmosphere these men have and how at this moment of time they don't have power and control over this woman.

Saturday 21 November 2015



. Feminist Betty Friedan claimed "TV has represented American woman to be stupid, unattractive, insecure little house hold drudge who spends her martyred mindless, boring days dreaming of love.

For years, when men were behind the camera, women were really ditsy. Now you have female leads playing superheroes, or super business women”. 

The stereotypes of women as housewives or presented as sex symbols continued throughout the 1980s and arguably to a lesser extent in the 21st century. 


 The western, the detective/police thriller, science fiction, and the medical drama featured controlling male characters, having adventures, braving danger, solving problems through reason and/or violence

Facts and Figures

In 1952, 68% of characters in prime time dramas were male; in 1973, 74% of characters in these shows were male

  • On prime time cable news programs, more than three-quarters of the hosts are white men and less than a quarter are white women. None of the hosts are people of colour. The typical guest on these shows is white and male; overall, 67 percent of the guests are men and 84 percent are white.
  • In children's television, male characters appear at about twice the rate of female characters.
  • Animated programs in particular are more likely to portray male characters.
  • Females are almost four times as likely to be presented in sexy attire and twice as likely to be shown with a diminutive waist.
  • In a study of G-rated films from 1990-2005, only 28 percent of the speaking characters (both live and animated) were female. More than four out of five of the narrators were male. Eighty-five percent of the characters were white.

Walt Disney article

This is about a new multi-media investment that the disney co-operation are releasing within the UK. This investment will allow all of the Disney films to be streamed whenever and wherever if you purchase the membership. This is a great way of investment and if predictions are correct could be one of the greatest creations Disney have made.

Disney film company / star wars

This is an article that interested me, as it is about a world famous film star wars and how Disney film company still aim to keep making new editions of the film, so it remains modern.

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Explanation of clip in class

The short clip I made in class was done to represent the stereotypical image that all young people are involved with drugs and lack motivation / self respect. We filmed the clip inside the school and used scrunched up paper to represent drugs. We decided to film a pupil dropping her drugs in school and then being black mailed and patronised by another student who saw her drop them, however this scene is interrupted by a male teacher who walks in and is aware of what is happening, he straight away is shown to have authority as the two female students look worried and start to make excuses for themselves trying to re gain the respect from the teacher. Our scenes idea was generated from a clip in waterloo road and we decided to re make it as we believed it was relatable to our age group and we wanted to try and break the stereotype that all young people are or have been involved with drugs.

Waterloo road age analysis

Analysis of how age is represented in waterloo road 

 At first the audience sees a mid shot of two teenage school boys. Costume is used well here to show us that firstly, they are in a secondary school uniform and secondly, they are wearing it very scruffy and untidily, showing us that they are not wanting to be there and a little rebellious, thus reflecting the stereotypical teenager of society. The first scene also contains some digetic sound and we can hear uses of colloquialisms and sociolect in the way that they are speaking, for example 'chill out man'. This tells us that the boys appear to be typical teenagers that speak how they would stereotypically be thought to. After this, the boys appear to be hesitant when they are making excuses to the teacher in a three shot with the teacher stood on one side showing he has the most authority. We can hear the digetic sound of the boys using fillers such as “I was err.. Sick, sir." This connotes to us that the boys have been in trouble and are trying to avoid being caught, going along with the typical received idea that teenagers are always naughty and sly. However, the use of words such as "sir" and "miss" show that they know they are below the teacher in terms of authority and still are respectful. 

 The shot pan zooms closer into the older male showing that he is wearing what looks like a knitted cardigan or waistcoat under his tweed jacket. This outfit is wouldn't appeal to the younger man but someone of an older generation. The shot cuts to a mid shot of the teacher as he also uses a very demanding tone when he says "give it" showing the audience that he is the one who is in control in the situation and has the power due to his age. We are then shown a mid shot of the camera which allows us to focus on the item revealing that has been broken very badly. This supports the destructive nature that is stereotypically associated with young people. The shot cuts to a mid four shot as we are introduced to another teacher who is female, the students refer to her as “Miss” signifying how she has authority and power over the students. The shot then cuts to a panning shot of another male student slouched against a wall. The shot is an upper body shot so we can establish his wearing a sweat shirt under his uniform and his shirt undone; this reveals this student has no pride in his appearance and attire.

 The shot then cuts to a full body shot of a young girl walking down a corridor, we view that she is wearing a short dress with no tights; her attire lacks self respect highlighting the stereotypical view that the majority of teenage girls lack self respect, the mis en scene of the school corridor allows the audience to view the majority of top buttons undone and different jackets over the top of the uniform which establishes this is normal behaviour for students even if they are going against the school policy, this fits in with the stereotypical view that young people are unable to follow instructions and rebel to show their individuality. 

The shot then cuts back to a long shot of the girl coming into contact with another female pupil down the corridor who are also dressed in short attire. We then hear the non-digetic sound of other random conversations and view other students walking around the corridor. The volume of the conversations is loud and begins to replace the main characters voice this use of representation illustrates stereotypically that teenagers are very loud. The non digetic sound then quietens as we hear some dialogue between the two characters and we soon find out they are talking about someone’s family, throughout their conversation slang is used, the fact they are discussing someone else’s personal life emphasises that it is gossip which once again is associated with young female girls. 

The shot then cuts to a class room scene where the teacher is discussing the lesson with the class, the camera focuses on a two shot of a boy and girl talking instead of paying attention, this highlights their lack of respect as they are speaking over their teacher. The scene then cuts to a upper body shot of the teacher as his made aware the students aren't listening, his expression shows him to be angry and aggravated, illustrating how teachers and older people as a representation don’t like to be spoke over or ignored. Later into this shot we see a scene where a girl is confronting a boy, in this shot the teacher walks in and interrupt trying to resolve the problem, the students stop and separate illustrating how the teacher has authority as they have obeyed what he has just asked.

The scene then cuts to tilt long shot as we are introduced to another male teacher, he is dressed in unusual clothing which we assume he is trying to look like a teenager himself, the scene then pan zooms across to the female teacher who is presented to be laughing and clapping at the male teachers attire, in the back ground the non digetic sound of rap music is playing which makes the scene comedic, The representation of this male teacher highlights how some old people like to think they are still young and fashionable but don't have any idea on what fashion is, This is shown as the scene cuts to two young school girls laughing at what the male teacher is wearing, this reveals that the students find the male teacher funny but for the wrong reason as they start making jokes about his outfit choice.

The last part of the clip is a two upper body shot of the male teacher talking to the head teacher, the head teacher tells the male teacher to go and get changed as he doesn't see the humorous side to the teachers attire, however the male teacher follows his instructions revealing that the head teacher how power over him, This shows that even the older generation have to deal with a power heir achy. This shot is also an establishing shot as in the background we can see the students laughing at the fact the teacher is being told to get changed as he looks ridiculous, this emphasises how young people are stereotypically immature.